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The MS Technologywebsite is an E commerce portal which facilitates the sale and purchase of goods and services via the internet. Sales are offered the various channels which are available on our website, for more information please checks the various kinds of avenues that are available to make a purchase. Some of these include online transactions, the use of credit cards, the user of debit cards and the use of gift vouchers etc.


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The price of products is either equal to the price of the product in the open market or lesser than the price of the product in the open market.

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All electronic items that are sold on our website are on an as is basis. MS Technologydoes not take responsibility for the service standards of the product and any fault that may be reacted to the product. In the event that a fault is detected MS Technologysuggest that you follow the user manual and consult with the company as usual with other products.


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