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Refund & Return Policy

We are so sure of our product quality and our service procedures that you would not want to return any of the products or services you buy from us! In the event that you have to return any goods or services bought from us, we have best in the industry and excellent return policies in place for handling returns. Either you chose the wrong product or service mistakenly or it was a product you did not like or any other reason, if you want to return, we always oblige to our customers subject to T & C’slistedbelow.

  • Our courier company would come and pick up the product from you. Cost of courier would be borne by us.
  • The packaging and branding of the item should be intact and not damaged in anyway.
  • Buyers can return the products within a maximum period of 7 to10 days after the date of delivery
  • The goods should not be damaged physically in anyway, including damage by water and other liquids.
  • The goods should be the same that were delivered to the consumer.
  • All the products returned must be unused with the tags on them and not washed.
  • Products such as innerwear, underwear, washed garments, opened electronics and combination offers are not returnable.
  • You would get your refund in a maximum of 30 days from the date of initiation of your refund request.
  • In case, you have been wrongly charged more than once for any particular transaction, the refunds would be processed in a maximum period of 15 days.
    Order Cancellation.
  •  Send an e-mail to sales@mstechnology.net  on your cancellation details
  •   We will create a cancellation request.
  •  Amount would be refunded as per our return policy. Your money would be refunded to you in a maximum of 30 working days via your original method of payment
  • Order cannot be cancelled once the order moves to shipping status as “shipped”. Such orders need to be treated under our return policy.


Terms of Services

Client agrees that MS Technology will not be Responsible

a)       Stitching services provided by the vendors including bit not limited, delivering stitching services orders suiting your Requirements & Needs.

b)       The vendor services not being Upto your Expectations or leading to any Loss , Harm or Damage to you :-

The details of the products & price list available on services are based on the information provided by the vendors and we shall not be responsible for any charges or cancellation or unavailability.


The service may be under constant upgrade and some of the features may not be fully Operational.

a)       Due to Vagaries that can occur in the Electric Distribution of information and due to the limitations inherent in providing information obtained from multiple sources. There may be delays, Omissions or inaccuracies in the content provided on the services or delay or errors in functionality of the services. As a result, we don’t represent that the information posted is correct in every case.

b)       MS Technology Expressly Disclaim all liabilities that may arise as a consequence of any unauthorized use of CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS.