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Main scale has a least count 1mm (Distance between two big lines) Vernier scale has a least count 0.1mm (Distance between two lower lines) Each line on the main scale of the Pi Tape represent 1 mm diameter, each line on the vernier scale represent 0.1 mm.
The zero on vernier is passed the 51 line on the main scale i.e. 51. Now find the line on the vernier scale which corresponds (match) exactly with the above line. The above sample shows it to be the 7th line which equals 0.7mm this added to the 51reading gives the outside diameter of 51.7 mm .
when reading the tape apply a sung pull of 2.25Kg tension, first making sure the tape and part have been properly cleaned.
Tapes are guaranteed 0.1mm accuracy on diameter .
No periodic adjustment is needed.
Make sure the tape has not been stepped on or kinked, which destroys the accuracy.


To Read (follow the steps)

  • 1) Main scale has a least count 1mm (Distance between two big lines of main scale)
  • 2) Vernier scale has a list count 0.05mm (Distance between tow lower lines)
  • 3) Each line on the main scale of the tape shows 1mm diameter, while each line on the Vernier represent 0.05 mm.
  • 4) The zero on vernier is passed the 40 line on main scale.
  • 5) Now find the line on vernier which corresponds (match) exactly with the above line.
  • 6) The above sample shows it to be the 7th line which equals (7* 0.05 = 0.35mm) this added to the 40 reading gives on outside diameter of 40.35mm .
  • 7) Tapes are guaranteed 0.05mm accuracy on diameter No periodic adjustment are needed.

INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR (75-230 mm & 75-315mm Pi-Tape)

To Read (follow the steps)

  • 1) Main scale has a least count 1mm (Distance between two big lines of main scale)
  • 2) Vernier scale has a list count 0.02mm (Distance between tow lower lines)
  • 3) Each line on the main scale of the tape shows 1mm diameter, while each line on the Vernier represent 0.02 mm.
  • 4) The zero on vernier is passed the 140 line on main scale.
  • 5) Now find the line on vernier which corresponds (match) exactly with the above line.
  • 6) The above sample shows it to be the 15th line which equals (15* 0.02 = 0.3mm) this added to the 140 reading gives on outside diameter of 140.3mm .
  • 7) Tapes are guaranteed 0.02mm accuracy on diameter No periodic adjustment are needed.

Important Note

  • When reading the tape apply a force of 2.25Kg tension, first making sure the tape and part have been properly cleaned.
  • Make sure the tape has not been stepped on or kinked,which destroys the accuracy.


The MS PI-TAPES are designed Engineering plastics to determine the out side DIAMETER/CIRCUMFURENCE of any tapes of pipes , Like PVC PIPES, SWR PIPES, CASING PIPES, HDPE PIPES, PP PIPES, FRP PIPES, LLDPE PIPES, HOSE PIPES,RCC PIPES, STEEL PIPES, cylinder , circle and semicircle.

These tapes have been designed to keep in mind to check the diameter by easy method and it has the following advantages over metal (steel) tapes.